Monday, September 15, 2008

My very first blog!

Ok ..I finally broke down and decided to join the rest of the blogging world. Every time I hear "blogging" my brain shows me "clogging." I am afraid I am going to have to do the river dance in order to be a part of this "club." It's disturbing. I guess I should tell you about me. (YAAAYYY ME!) My favorite subject apparently. I am a 41 year old who feels like she is still 18. I know some of you know how I feel. It hits me usually when I find myself sitting around with my 17 year old daughter and her friends. They are talking about the latest "hot as snot" guy at school. And I find myself smiling. I mean really smiling. Like I am part of the group. My teeth are drying out, my gums ache, and I am thinking to myself, " oh I hope he likes me!" Then it hits me.....SHIZAM! You are old. You have wrinkles, you are so NOT one of them. Go back to the glorious job of scrubbing your son's skid marks out of his cute little undies. And so it goes. I walk out with my tail between my legs, shaking my head. Where did the years go??    But honestly,  it really is empowering to be FORTY ONE!   Life is good.